Sunday, November 16, 2008

Random San Francisco Pics

We're finally getting around to posting pics from our trip to San Francisco. A little late we know, but what are you gonna do? We went to the Farmer's Market, got some local bread and 'artisan' cheese and had a snack on the pier. Sarah's fresh fruit pastry was to die for and Alex was super annoyed with all the pigeons (center of the picture).

We stopped off at Ghiradhelli Square for a 'World Famous' hot fudge sundae and to get some chocolate. The sundae was even better then it looked. Also, every day that we were in SF, we purchased cupcakes for dessert at Miette and Citizen Cupcake. Citizen Cupcake was on top of the Virgin music store, so that wasn't a hard decision. We still talk about those cupcakes as if they were our own.

Here we are in our spacious room at the San Francisco Hilton - Financial District. It treated us very well, but the pool closed at 9:30pm and we never got home in time to go.

Alex would not rest until we had 'authentic' dim sum at some dive in Chinatown. The bbq pork buns were amazing, but the local Chinese population in the store didn't seem to appreciate our visit. They kept giving us dirty looks.
We went to the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. Sarah wanted me to mention that the humidity didn't 'work' with her hair the whole time we were there. The Botanical Gardens didn't help since it felt like it was 271 degrees in there. Golden Gate Park was huge and the Outlands Festival (Radiohead, Beck, The Black Keys, etc) was going on that evening, but we didn't make it. But we did spend a great deal of time at Amoeba music store (the best music store either of us have ever encountered), so it kind of worked out. (Sarah got the Top Gun DVD. She hasn't lost that lovin feeling yet, even though it's been a few decades.)

Of course we went to the Golden Gate Bridge. Of course it was foggy/cloudy. We took the bus there and on the way some French tourists were concerned that they were headed in the wrong direction, so the tried to ask the bus driver, but couldn't quite say much more than 'we go Golden Gate?' Finally the bus driver just said, 'Just hold on! I take you there. Just hold on!'

We went to Fisherman's Wharf and to the SF Aquarium. It was pretty cool and we got some SF clam chowder in a sourdough breadbowl. Obviously, most of what we did centered around food, but that's how we roll.

Here we are on the streetcar. We only took it once because it was so busy, the rest of the time we took the bus or regular train. When we were in line for the streetcar, the streetcar stopped at the back of the line, but no one from the front got on. We waited and waited and then finally boarded. After that these angry Italian tourists from the front of the line came and complained to the driver that it was their turn, and that we took their spot. The driver told them that if he wanted us off, to talk to us, but they just left in a huff. We weren't about to get off. All in all, we had a great time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sophia's First Haircut

Today we headed over to the Great Clips on 9th and 9th for Sophia's first haircut.

She was pretty nervous, but she did very well. We took her for a trim because her hair was starting to get fairly unruly and she hates having ponytails, so her hair is always in her face.

Esmé's not ready for her first haircut yet, but she was a good sport and spun me around in an empty chair while we waited for Sophia. She had a great time watching Sophia's hair fall on the ground.

This is Sophia's 'stoic' look. She's not necessarily having a great time, but she can handle it.

All done! The haircut went very well. Good job Sophie!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Roll Call

Left to Right: Singing Giraffe, Hoot, Phyllis, Happy Feet, Sirius White, Bear-Bear aka Honey, Esmé, Molasses, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Timmy, Talking Bird, Singing Bear, Bobo, Sophia, Mrs. Twinklebottom, Crindy, Cream of Wheat, Bamboo, Bambi, Jack White, Bearemy, not pictured: Brown Sugar (presumed lost).

As stuffed animals are taking over our home and lives, we thought we would chronicle the animals who have been named. There are many unnamed animals, but for whatever reason, these are the animals who have been favorites at one point or another or have been around long enough to get a name. We look forward to many more adventures with our stuffed friends.
Update: Brown Sugar has been found.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Oregon Coast, Or A Windy, Somewhat Chilly Day At the Beach

While we were in Oregon visiting my family, we took a day trip to the coast for the girls first view of the ocean. We went to our usual spot in Bandon and stayed in our little cove away from the wind when we weren't frolicking in the waves or extreme kite-flying.

Sarah and Sophia heading down to wade in the water.

Being somewhat chilly, Esmé commandeered a huge Death Valley hoodie (it sure was warm).

Sophie and Grandma Candy chillin in our little cove away from the wind.

Esmé and Sophia thought the water was pretty cold, but Erica, Audrey, Garrett didn't. They got all the way in (something I haven't done in like 12 years).

It took Sophia a while to get used to the cold water, but she eventually got excited about running away from the waves.
Sarah enjoyed her time at the beach, although she didn't stay in the water in long as the gals. Sarah and my mom took great advantage of the windless cove and had salt water taffy and chillaxed.

Esmé went straight for the water when we arrived and never looked back.

Garrett showed the gals how to make sandcastles and climb sand dunes.

All in all a very fun day at the beach.

Arts and Crafts Pre-K Summer Fun

Auntie Lindsay took the girls to the Tracy Aviary when she was babysitting one day during the summer. They made pinecone birdfeeders with peanut butter and birdseed. We have had a lot more birds in the yard since we put them up. The girls are lucky to have such a wonderful, fashionable, caring aunt in their lives. Lindsay has been one of my greatest supports and friends since the girls were born. She even slept on the couch the whole summer when the girls were born to help me. We all love her so much--Thanks Auntie Lindsay!

Garden stones. This was a fabulous activity one hot summer day in July. I bought some extra glass marbles to add to the plaster to give them a little more sparkle.

For a finishing touch we added glitter--Esmé chose gold and Sophie chose blue. These may be the cutest kitchy garden decor ever! I was really happy with how they turned out. Here the girls are very involved with putting the marbles in.

You may recognize the girls one friend from their birthday party--Eve. Here we are decorating tamborines when Eve came over for a play date. I oculdn't ask for a better playmate for the girls--they are all of a similar temperament and they play really well together.

Here is one of the finished tamborines.

I found these bags at the craft store and decided that it would be fun to iron the girls names on them.

Esmé may be assigned ironing as a chore when she gets older.

The girls loved the bags more than I anticipated and use them as their "quiet" bags for church. It is way better than carrying around a big bulky bag with entertainment and snacks. They turned out cuter than I anticipated and the girls love having the responsibility of carrying their own bags.

Pizza Sunday

Just had to show our delicious homemade pizzas we made this sunday.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not to the circus! Not to the pool! We are going to Challenger School!

The girls started preschool this year, yea! They are going to Millcreek preschool on Monday/Wednesday mornings and to Challenger preschool on Tuesday/Thursday mornings. This is an exciting time for all of us. The girls have been going to Challenger for about 2 weeks now and they love it! I was getting to the point where I could not entertain them or keep them adequately stimulated, so school is a welcome relief for all of us. They will be starting Millcreek next week, I hope they enjoy that too. I still have my Challenger bag, this is a picture of the girls with theirs. (The blue spots on their faces are stickers.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hi! My name is . . .

Lately, Esmé and Sophia have been pretending that they are other people, characters, objects, beverages, etc. They always start out with, for example, "roar . . . My name is Li the Lion," or "My name is Ariel. I'm a princess," or "I'm a bladudidoo. My name wageldiblabli." Yesterday, when we were coming back from the store, Sophia and Esmé raced to the door and waited for me to unlock it. Esmé was a little cranky at the time and so when Sophia got there first (much to Sophia's delight) Esmé yelled at her "My name is Don't Smile at Me!" I tried to tell her to be nice, but I couldn't help it, I just burst out laughing, which, I think, actually helped the situation.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Banana Chocolate Blend Disaster

For those of you who don't know, I frequent Starbucks on a fairly regular basis. They recently built one at our local Smith's Marketplace. Yea! The girls like the chocolate milk and I like the hot cocoa. Because we can't go anywhere without being stopped, we make friends with cashiers and storeworkers fairly easily. (The girls can really turn on the charm.) One of our recent acquaintences/friends is a woman named Marie who works at the new Smith's Marketplace Starbucks. She thinks the girls are fabulous and often gives us free cookies (which the girls don't really like) and the other day she gave us a whole handful of coupons for Starbucks new drink line: The Orange Mango Viviano and Banana Chocolate Viviano. Great! Free Drinks!
I don't like banana's but who doesn't like a wannabe chocolate shake, I asked myself? The girls will most definately drink this drink. Wrong!!!!

Today I used two of the free coupons for the Banana Chocolate Viviano which is a "freshly prepared drink with a whole banana, bittersweet cocoa, 2% milk, whey protein, fiber powder, and ice". Sounds good right? Well, it's not. It has potential, but it was simply not as sweet as the chocolate milk the girls have gotten too accustomed to drinking. We had a viviano revolt--Sophie was the worst. She refused to drink hers and promptly suggested that we turn around and for the chocolate milk. Tears were shed. In order to show her that it was really tasty and she really would like it, I had to drink several sips. I thought I was going to throw up in my mouth. It was all I could do not to gag! Luke warm with banana! How could this get any worse? After a few more sips Esmé proclaimed, "I tried it and I like it!" (Good for you Es! Most of us with better developed taste buds wouldn't feel quite the same way.)

The worst part of this drink debacle was that the lids of the drink we not secure! Three year olds with chocolate banana vivianos with unsturdy lids? D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R! We made it most of the way home with the drink lids still on, but by the time we reached 9th South...Sophie's little voice said, "Mom, I spilled a little bit." "Uh Oh." "How bad is it?" (Not terrible, but not great--just an outfit change--no harm done to the car.) Esmé made it all the way home without the lid coming off. I pulled into the driveway and jumped out of the car and put the "viviyucko" into the drink holder on her door. Mistake! As I was cleaning Sophie up, Esmé kicked her banana chocolate blend out on the driveway. Most normal drinks with sturdy lids would have survived the short fall without any problem--but not this shody product. So, Marie, thanks but no thanks on the new free Viviano drinks. Anyone want our extra coupons?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Heber Creeper

Just another day at the Heber Valley Railroad, complete with train whistles.

Ever the adventurer and haver of fun, my mom had a great idea to take a train ride with the girls one Friday afternoon this summer. The original thought was to take the Heber Creeper train ride and then float down the Provo River through scenic Provo Canyon. But due to the cost and the length of time for the train ride, we decided to take a shorter ride up to Soldier Hollow through scenic Heber. When we got to Soldier Hollow, the train had to switch tracks. On the way back we moved to one of the inside cars and kept a little cooler.

As you can see by Esmé's hair, it was a hot day in a train thatwas built before the days of air conditioning. The water behind Es is a little lake between Midway and Heber. Look how blue her eys look with the shirt and the water. I love the hair too.
Sophie enjoyed the trip. I brought their "pooh blankets" as the train ride was during naptime and wanted to minimize any problems due to tiredness. Of course with Sophie, if the blanket is anywhere within eyesight she wants to cuddle up with it. The train trip was one of the hottest days of the year in July and there was Sophie sweating with her "pooh bear blankee."

Above are the railroaders: Es, Me, Sophia and my mom "Manga."

Here is a picture of our train. In order to get to Soldier Hollow, the train drove through Heber. What we did not know was how many roads the train would have to cross along the way. Of course every time we crossed a road, the train had to blow the horn. It was insanely loud and the girls were scared of it because the only shady place left on the train was right up by the front engine.

But there was a perk to being so close to the engine. We were right next to the concession area! The girls were eyeing the M & M's and after having a few, the loud horn didn't seem like quite as big of a deal.

Here are the gals enjoying their train ride. Life is such an adventure when you are three! (Of course it doesn't take a lot to please me either.) Thanks for a great day Mom!