Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not to the circus! Not to the pool! We are going to Challenger School!

The girls started preschool this year, yea! They are going to Millcreek preschool on Monday/Wednesday mornings and to Challenger preschool on Tuesday/Thursday mornings. This is an exciting time for all of us. The girls have been going to Challenger for about 2 weeks now and they love it! I was getting to the point where I could not entertain them or keep them adequately stimulated, so school is a welcome relief for all of us. They will be starting Millcreek next week, I hope they enjoy that too. I still have my Challenger bag, this is a picture of the girls with theirs. (The blue spots on their faces are stickers.)


Kris said...

They are so cute and look so happy.

Megs said...

Look how fast they are growing up! I'm so glad that they are enjoying school, and I'm sure they will love their Millcreek preschool class as well. Such a fun time in a little one's life!

Miss Megan said...

Are they seriously in pre-school? Where has the time gone?

So as far as blogs go, I'm really happy you decided to give it another go. It's a nice way for me to stay in touch with my girlfriends who don't live around the corner. Don't worry about the bragging part either, that's exactly what these are for!

P.S. The girls are just darling!