Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Due to my somewhat cumbersome pregnant state cleaning the bathtub has become a real drag. I tried to delegate it to Alex, but he refused by pretending not to hear me as I complained about the dirty tub and asked him if he could clean it. Then I got to thinking about the early 1900s when people had children for the purpose of helping to support the family (this was before the child labor laws). So I suggested that the girls get their swimsuits on and help me to clean the bathtub. It went so well that I am now thinking of other chores to have them help me with.
Esmé really got into it. She loves the water and being in her swimsuit. The bathtub was sparkling clean after we were finished--and no one even slipped and fell and cracked their head. These girls are just as good as the mice Cinderella had.
I have to add that Alex did clean the tub last week--he did a great job too. What a great husband.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That Esme and Sophia are such good cleaners! Thats so cute that they helped their mama out! What sweethearts.