Friday, May 1, 2009

I Passed!

After a grueling year, I am pleased to announce that this year I defended my thesis and got it finalized for release, passed my praxis exam and my doctoral prelim exam. What does all this mean? It means I now have my Master's degree and if I want I can do my dissertation and get my Ph.D.
I took my prelim exam this past Monday and Wednesday. It was an all day written exam with 6 essays--the contents were from over 200 journal articles--I had to study all year. Then on Wednesday I had my oral exam with the five faculty of the School Psychology department. They asked me questions from any of the journal articles and I had to know authors and details of the studies. I had no idea what they were going to ask and it was really intimidating. At any rate--it is over now.
In other great news, I have been offered a part-time salaried position as a School Psychologist with the Salt Lake City School District. I am no longer an intern, although I still have to have supervision from a licensed psychologist.
Hip Hip Hurray!! (Just in time to have another baby.)
It is a nice feeling to know that if I feel like finishing my doctorate I can, if not I don't have to. Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this process; I could not have done it without your encouragement, helped with Esmé and Sophia etc.
A special thanks to Alex, who is in the running for best husband ever. Not only did he edit my thesis several times, he helped with the stats analysis, coded surveys and watch the girls for long hours at a time while I studied. (Not to mention helped to clean the house.) What a guy.


Ash said...

congratulations!!! how exciting! that sounds way intense. I'm sure they were impressed with your amazing smarty pants.

Grandmakicki said...

Way to go what a great accomplishment. And all of that and having a baby and moving. Way to go girl.

Ryan G said...

Wow!! That's awesome! You are AWESOME!

Kiki said...

Congrats! I am so proud of you!

Miss Megan said...

Congratulations! I am so proud of you. I know how hard you have worked for this and the blood sweat and tears that have gone into your degree. My mom just graduated a couple of weeks ago, and I am very proud of her too. She is headed up to Westminster in the Fall to get her graduates in social behavior. It's been a long road, but so worth it. Kudos to you!!!