Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 1096 of Surviving Twins

Lately, the girls have been taking a pretty hard afternoon nap. I usually have to go and wake them up after a couple of hours. As I approached their bedroom at the normal time, I did not suspect anything out of the ordinary. The room was quiet. I walked into possibly the biggest mess I have ever encountered. Esmé had gotten into the cream and spread it all over her legs, quilt, sheet, stuffed animals and Sophie. The white cream is not very water soluble and due to the extent it had been caked on her and everything she touched--it was a real chore to clean up.

To top it all off, Sophie had had an accident in her underwear. (Which was most likely why they were up getting into mischief, unbeknownst to me.) I put them in the tub and had to turn on the shower to get the cream out of Sophia's curly locks. I am frustrated with myself for not putting that cream up higher or throwing it away since we never use it.

Update: 9:24 pm. I just walked into the girls room again because someone was crying because of fireworks. Esmé had found the A and D ointment and greased up her hands. Looks like the both of us will need to review what the purpose of cream is and where to store it.

1 comment:

Kiki said...

I know I shouldn't laugh at this but the visual image of the two of them covered in ointment made me laugh out loud. I've made a mental note to get rid of unused ointments.